Finally, I have some time to catch everyone up. So much has happened but we are all doing fine. Well
ok, I'm struggling and adjusting to the two kid thing but I will get it. I would be fine if my dear Ruben were here but no, he has been replaced by someone I refer, loving of course, to as the TERROR! Maybe it was all the bragging I used to do on him and how well behaved he was and HE WAS until his sister was born. Now the little boy that rarely threw tantrums and hardly ever had to go to time out, now spends most of his day doing both. I feel like a drill
Sergeant some days but refuse to give in to him.
I think it also has a little to do with all the company we have had lately. First uncle Josh and last week Aunt
Soledad, Jose's sister, came. I think he likes to show off when company is here.
It was great having Aunt Sole and here are some pics of her visit. However, it was very comical the way Jose and Sole act together. They fight like little kids and I told Jose to stop and guess what he said, "She started it!" I said you are 34 years old and I'm not your mother I'm your wife!!!!
lol I guess I just got a preview of what I will be going through in a few years.
This is posted by me, Kiesha, I can't log in as myself only as Jose. Will fix that soon!