I like Saturdays. Saturdays have so much going for them.
First, I can sleep in on Saturdays. And those of you who know Daddy, know that Daddy likes to sleep in. Now that we have Ruben, sleeping in takes a different form. If Ruben can sleep until 7:30 a.m. then that's sleeping in for Daddy. How things have changed.
Saturdays also have morning cartoons. I used to love those morning cartoons. I don't watch any now but I am sure that the pooper is going to love his morning cartoons and I am going to learn to talk about a whole new set of colorful characters. Hopefully Ruben won't like Barney.
Let me list the many things that Saturdays have:
Not a work day - A break from the office is always good.
Baseball Game of the Week. - Ahh, baseball.
College Football - Go Trojans!
BBQ's - Hhmm, Carne Asada with Guacamole and corn and fun in the sun.
Mexico: One Plate at a Time - Rick Bayless can cook some mean Mexican dishes. Check out his show on PBS at 3:30 p.m.
Time with the Family - I get to spend a whole day with the Mama Bear and Cubbie. Ruben is lots of fun. When he isn't fussy and with a fever that is.
Well, these are but a few things of why Saturdays rock. I'm sure that everyone has some of their own favorites for Saturday.