Monday, August 31, 2009

Your're Gonna Miss This....Sibling Togetherness

It's time again to join Pam and reflect upon the moments we will miss the most since time seems to be moving at warp speed these days.

I'm definitely going to miss my children constantly wanting to play together. Now that Ruben is in school all day Marissa starts at around 9 am asking "Is it time to go pick up My Ruben yet" and she continues this at least every hour until it is finally time to go get him.

When it is her nap time he begs for her to stay up just a little longer so they can play together.
Don't get me wrong they have there days where they fight and I just want to put them in a room and let them go at it work it out. But for the most part they love being together and tell each other they love them at least 10 times a day.

I know I will miss this because I can't see it going on forever. There will be a time when Roo does not want his little sister tagging around and a time when Rissa has her sleep overs and will want Roo to camp out in the back away from her and her friends.

But for now I am enjoying just how much they show their love and friendship for each other.

Head on over to Pam's for more moments to see other's moments and share your own.


Pam said...

they are so cute and sweet!! seems like his absence makes her heart grow fonder!! :) this is really a precious moment! thanks for joining me!

marla said...

they are so stinkin' cute! We have to find a time to get these kids together sometime. Does Roo get a fall break? boys are out in Oct. for a week (the week of the 8th) boys are fighting- I'll write more soon, have to play referee!