Monday, August 31, 2009

Your're Gonna Miss This....Sibling Togetherness

It's time again to join Pam and reflect upon the moments we will miss the most since time seems to be moving at warp speed these days.

I'm definitely going to miss my children constantly wanting to play together. Now that Ruben is in school all day Marissa starts at around 9 am asking "Is it time to go pick up My Ruben yet" and she continues this at least every hour until it is finally time to go get him.

When it is her nap time he begs for her to stay up just a little longer so they can play together.
Don't get me wrong they have there days where they fight and I just want to put them in a room and let them go at it work it out. But for the most part they love being together and tell each other they love them at least 10 times a day.

I know I will miss this because I can't see it going on forever. There will be a time when Roo does not want his little sister tagging around and a time when Rissa has her sleep overs and will want Roo to camp out in the back away from her and her friends.

But for now I am enjoying just how much they show their love and friendship for each other.

Head on over to Pam's for more moments to see other's moments and share your own.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to the Funniest Most Honorable Man I Know

Today my honey turns 37, he's not happy about that but I am trying to convince him that 37 is in no way old.

Our anniversary is on Sun. and I have a post I am working on for that. God brought us together from many miles apart. And has seen us through so much in our 6 years of marriage.

But this post is dedicated to his birthday. I made him a German chocolate cake, his favorite, no one has to tell him it came out of a box, Shhhh.

I also slow cooked a roast which he loves. I wasn't able to make his favorite Mexican dish, Posole, which is what I usually make on his birthdays. But just did not feel up to it today. But I was able to pull off a cake and a meal and I'm so happy about that. I woke up feeling not so well, but pushed through to make this special for Hubby and the kids.

My hubby did not grow up celebrating birthdays where as my family always did. So I want to be sure to make every birthday memorable. He should definitely remember this one, he got an IPhone, I saved up for months. I gave it to him last week. I can't keep a secret to save my life.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you with all my heart in the good times and the bad. Thanks for taking such good care of me.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Catching Up

Ruben is going on his third week of Kindergarten. He has transitioned better than I thought he would. He loves school, his teacher, and has a lot of friends.
He is just learning so much so fast. I'm so proud of him. We wake him up but he gets himself dressed with no arguments. He also has his first soccer practice tomorrow.

Marissa misses her big brother like crazy. She starts at around 9 am asking if it is time to pick Ruben up and continues until we pick him up at 2:40.

I am doing better, they finally found a combination of meds that work. But I still have my bad days so I just try to enjoy the good ones that I am given. I volunteer at Roo's school two days a week, this lowers our tuition payment which is great right now with all my meds we have to pay for. And I'm finding I am loving it!

Jose turns 37 on Wed. of this week. I bought him an IPhone for his bd and gave it to him early. He loves that thing.

Mom is having some problems and has been very lethargic lately and talking crazy. I'm a little worried so we are going to see her doc as soon as we can.

Well that is all I can think of for now.

I will leave you with some recent pictures.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Say it Ain't So, First Day of Kindergarten

Today was the day. Ruben did great, I on the other hand was a mess.
Only one more hour to go before he gets out. I did not think it would be this hard or I would miss him this much. I think it's more knowing this is the beginning of many many years of him being gone all day and then college will sneak up on us just like Kindergarten has.
Not sure where those 5 years went, but they sure were not long enough for me.

Had to be bribed with a chocolate donut to get him out of bed. Whatever works, right? :)

Roo buckling his belt.

Being silly before leaving the house with his backpack on.

One last picture with Mommy.

Outside of the school.

Sitting at his table in his new classroom.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Cruisin and Preparing

We found this Barbie battery powered 4 wheeler at a yard sale and Rissa can't quite get the steering right. She had quite a few accidents until I talked her in to letting her brother drive.

She is really going to miss him when he starts Kindergarten this Wed. I can't believe it's already that time. That's a completely different post that I'm not sure I'm even ready to write. I'm not sure where the last five years have went and I am definitely not ready to let go of him for a whole day just yet. It's been hard getting all his school supplies together and ready today. Just a part of motherhood I suppose, it's all about loving them and letting them go.